May/ June Cruising activities.

We have been blessed for a few weeks with good weather and great to see everyone making the most of it.
As Aberystwyth has been dredged Pwllheli Cruising have certainly supported the Marina and enjoying the welcome 
from the staff and the reduced fee cost was also very much appreciated. 
Over a space of a fortnight over 16 boats have visited. 
Enjoying the sunshine, wine and dining in town and generally socialising. 
Great to see students and families at night barbecuing on the beach something quite Mediterranean about it all. 
What a difference good weather makes.
The train to the top of the hill is always an attraction. What views !! 
Aber 2

Aber 1

Aber 3

SCYC Abersoch have also been visited regularly. Taking advantage of those beautiful views whilst having lunch. 

Cruising members have now a group of keen Jet skiers who have been visiting Porthmadog Sailing Club on more than one

Several BBQ's on various beaches have taken place making the most of the weather, BBQ by sea.


A group of boats went over to Ireland visiting Greystones, Dun Leoghaire, Howth, Arklow and going further afield to
Kilmore Quay and 'Last Orders' 
managed to visit Waterford before their return to Pwllheli,
whilst 'Imladris' carries on to Cork.

Another group of Cruising Boats a week later crossed over the Irish Sea to enjoy Irish hospitality. Taking advantage of all
the various eateries 
at Greystones. 
'The Club'at Dalkey was one of the favourites. The decor is phenomenal. 
However, the four musketeers were warned for loitering at the station!!!!! 
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ireland 3

ireland 1
Malahide was a must for one boat but there was difficulty in locating the Fairway Buoy only to find it later flashing
away in the Marina
-needed maintenance. 
Malahide Sailing Club was as welcoming as ever. The Marina also gave a reduction of 50% as promised.
Just wished the stay was a longer 
one but a low front was coming through and the plan of returning to Pwllheli was needed.
The return journey to Greystones was more stressful in 'pea soup' mist, relying on radar and nav equipment as visibility
was so poor.

Boats got back safely although having to negotiate cargo ships in the fog. Makes a journey more challenging eh!
Another trip must be on the cards.

A great achievement and congratulations to Michael Humphreys on 'Cerwen' sailing boat accomplishing his first single
handed trip to Ireland. 


The guys went to the TT at The Isle of Man, this is their report. 
Five boats, Chloe K, White Pearl, Spirit, Namsag and Stardust left Pwllheli on Friday 3rd June at 1645 and had a good
crossing to Peel IOM arriving at 2045.

Going through the Calf of Man then waiting in the bay for about an hour for the Harbour Master to find room for us salty lot.
Three of the big boys 
where rafted up to each other an the other two were on the other side rafted up to a fishing boat.
We had the best weather we have had in the 6 years. The guys have been going racing, lots of good food and beer.
A great time had by all.

2016 tt 2
2016 tt 3
2016 tt
Paul Sandpiper's Cruise report
A window in the squally weather saw a flotilla of hardy mariners leave Pwllheli to head for Sarn badrigs WCM.
The original plan was to do an overnight stay in Porth Dinllaen as tide times were perfect for Bardsey and a
favourable N.E run up Lleyn's north coast.
Sunday's forecast however caused this trip to be aborted for the 2nd time this month!
Rebecca, Seaminx and the ubiquitous Sandpiper made the buoy in 2hrs. 
The intended gybe would allow us sail down the inside of the reef and exit via the east passage with a beat
back to Pwllheli.
Looking towards the coast between Harlech and Barmouth, horrible black clouds encompassing torrential
squally hail storms were repeatedly sweeping along our intended destination, whereas cilan head and
St.Tudwalls islands to the northwest were boasting blue skies and sunshine!
As the wind was NNW. 18 to 20 knts a faint odour of alcohol was detected, presumably emanating from SCYC.
Despite a dreadful distaste for alcoholic beverages, and the inevitable lumpy beat back to Abersoch,
I was amazed at the suddenness of the flotilla ' s unanimous decision to willingly partake in a bit of SCYC'S
hospitality! 40 minutes later and two boats were safely anchored off SCYC.
Special attention was paid to ensure our anchored vessels did not obstruct the finish transit line for the
dozen or so Squibs that were racing!
Surely only a silly Billy would do that!
On entering a fairly quiet SCYC for a bank holiday, the head barman asked one of us to remove his hat as it is
a club rule! 
Hence the silly hat pic!
One boat from our flotilla sadly couldn't join us due to the dreaded mer de mer!
I won't say which one but it begins with. ....
Hope you all had a great bank hol.
Paul, Sandpiper 
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                                        We now await a wealth of cruising activities in the next few months.
Keep us posted and if you would like your cruising activities
shared, please send us information and pictures.
