HummingbirdThis June, Hummingbird 2 accompanied by two other boats will be sailing to the Hebrides.

We will depart Pwllheli and head for Ardglass, then sail round and anchor in Bangor Bay to wait for the tide to turn and help us up to Rathlin. From Rathlin we can anchor in the bay next to the Bunnahabhain distillery in the Sound of Islay.

From Bunnahabhain it is only a short hop to Loch Tarbert ‘the wildest and remote Loch south of Ardnamurchan’, anchor in the Inner loch and explore with the dinghies the Top Pool.

After that, having had a successful bout of fishing to supplement our stores we could sail to the top end of Jura, anchor in Baghy Uamh nan Giall (Pigs Bay), dingy ashore and walk round the headland to view the troubled water of the Corryvreckan. From there it would be nice to anchor in Tinkers Hole and David Balfour’s Bay on Mull, visit Fingal’s Cave at Staffa and if time allows head for other beautiful anchorages and harbours including Oban and Tobermory.

There is an opportunity for people to accompany us for all or parts of the month to exchange sailing knowledge and experience while adding miles to their log books.

Could you please contact CHPSC (here) if you want more information about joining this cruise.

Best regards

Tony Barlow (10 A 19)

Please refer to the CHPSC disclaimer here

Please note : This is not a CHPSC event and the information is provided in good faith. It is for the participants to sdatisfy themselves about the boats, equipment and their suitability for the planned event.
