Racing on CHPSC Web Site

All you need for racing right here


Annwyl Pawb

Thanks to everyone for making the effort to attend the Racing meeting yesterday (Saturday 8th December 2012).

The meeting followed the agenda (available here)

I think the 2013 racing has great potential with a good mix of racing styles and socials.

The conclusions and action points from the meeting are as follows:

* The 2013 Racing Officers are:

o   Sailing Captain - Vicky Cox

o   Race Officer – Robin Evans - Robin was thanked for his hard work and efficient work as Race Officer again this year.

o   Sailing Secretary (social) - Sarah Pemberton

o   Sailing Secretary (admin) – Stephen Tudor (as Club Hon Sec.)

o   Communications Officer - Cric Peters

o   Rating Officer – Peter Dunlop

o   The Committee are all present as in the send to list above (and anyone who would like to contribute).

2013 Racing Programme The revised 2013 Racing Programme will be circulated and posted on the web site (initially as a draft here). Please let me know if there are further ideas, amendments / corrections required. 

Celtic Regatta  Following a brief report and general discussion regarding the initial response to the flyer all agreed that this regatta offered great potential and work would now continue with an aim to finalise the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions for publishing in the first week of January. The Regatta is to follow a windward leeward format. Sponsorship offers and opportunities were noted. The arrangements for the regatta entertainment, catering and social scene will be worked up along with a regatta budget for approval.

Pwllheli Regatta  Set for the first week in August and suggested that the regatta is tied is with the Long Trophy Challenge with SCYC.

Social Programme Sarah will work up a social programme around the racing programme and asked for support and ideas. Consideration to be given to a Spring Ball.

Sailing Instructions I will update the SI’s in accordance with revised Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the suggestions received and I will also ask Mike Butterworth for his input. A draft copy will then be circulated for your final approval.

Rating We have agreed that races will be scored using IRC and that all boats must hold a valid IRC certificate. Crew weight and numbers will not be applied. IRC developments on a performance based entry level time correction factor TCT will be considered when the details are made available. Regatta specific IRC certification will also be applied.

Race Pack I will update the rest of the race pack material (race courses and marks etc)

Training Arrangements will now be made for a First Aid course to be run on a weekend in January along with a 'rules night'.

Race Course and Marks Richard has agreed to organise the marks so that they are ready on time.

Crew List This will be via Facebook and e-mail.

When all the information is collated and approved I will send out a general invitation e-mail

I hope that I have covered, in this message, all of the points discussed during our meeting. This e-mail will be posted on the racing web site as a record of the meeting.

Good Sailing – Hwyl


Stephen Tudor

Hon. Secretary - Ysgrifennydd anrhydeddus

Racing Dashboard - Information

DASHBOARD with all the information you need to race in Pwllheli. From the 'Race Information Dashboard' you can access the full library of useful information with charts, list of marks, the list of fixed courses, and the Rules.
This information is available on all Racing pages of the CHPSC website!

Racing Information

Race Programme

The 2024 Race Programme is available in pdf format

Race Prorgramme - Here

Entry Form

If you have not joined as a 'Skipper Member' you can enter the race or series on-line - just follow the link

Enter the Race - Here


The 2024 racing chart is available in pdf format

Windward/Leeward Chartlet -Here

Fixed Courses

All fixed courses for 2024 available in pdf format here - only use the 2024 version!

Fixed Courses - Here

Matrix of Marks

Matrix of Marks

A Matrix giving distance and course from one CHPSC mark to another

Matrix of Marks

A Matrix giving distance and course from one CHPSC mark to another. This is provided to assist competitors

Race Chartlet

Race Chartlet

A Chartlet of the bay showing the position of the Racing marks

Race Chartlet

A Chartlet of the bay showing the position of the Racing marks. A must have item in the cockpit whilst racing!

Course Cards

Course Cards

A library of all CHPSC courses

Course Cards

A library of all CHPSC courses

List Of Marks

List Of Marks

A list of all the CHPSC Racing Marks with co-ordinates and description

List Of Marks

The full list of racing marks and buoys with coordinates - is available in pdf format. Available by following the link

The Rules

Sailing Instructions

The CHPSC Club Racing Sailing Instructions 2024 - available in pdf format


List of 2024 SSIs

List of Supplemental Sailing Instructions 2024


RRS 2021- 2024

PDF copy of the RRS 2021-2024


Racing Rules Of Sailing

The new RRS are published by World Sailing - follow this link for more information from World Sailing


Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club has been organising club racing of the highest quality for many years in the World acclaimed sailing waters of Cardigan Bay.
New item
The Bay provides near perfect sailing conditions with lack of commercial shipping, no strong tidal flows and ‘clean’ prevailing wind from the south west.
New item
The racing arena is all only minutes from the safe harbour, the marina or from the Plas Heli pontoon berths

IRC Welsh National Championship

IRC Welsh National Championships




Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club
Yr Hafan, Pwllheli, Gwynedd. LL53 5YT

Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club is a members club, a registered Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) and is affiliated to RYA and RYA Cymru Wales.  A Company Limited by Guarantee registered in Wales. Number 673674.

All photographs on our web site are with the kind consent of our Photographers Read our Disclaimer

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