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ISORA Race 4 Pwllheli to Wicklow

Congratulations to Stephen and the Crew on Just enough - 1st in Class and 1st Overall. The race report is available here.

The track taken by Just enough on this 21 hour race is shown below.


Vicky from Mojito provided the following report:

Congratulations to the crew on Just enough on the ISORA race 4. Not just for the race position but more importantly for finishing. 

We tried desperately to continue to the end and saw so many boats give in. We were followed round the causeway buoy by English Mick & Gwawr but lost Gwawr in the mist at Bardsey.  Once English Mick deployed their code zero they had started to gain on us quite substantially, however they then struggled when the wind dropped and they ended up motoring past us. We saw the First of September take in their foresail so gathered that they had also quit. We learned later that they had trouble starting the engine and had to change the impeller, but I must admit it did buck our spirits slightly when we eventually sailed past them. We kept on going despite also seeing Wennol 3 motoring past us in the opposite direction. Even when, at one point, our boat speed read 0.00knots, we kept on going.

Sadly the continued lack of wind meant that we were forced to consider our travel plans the other side and calculated our expected time of arrival at North India. Predictions started at 4am at best, and at one point we calculated that at our current speed we wouldn’t get to North India till 19:00 Sunday – coincidentally the time of my flight back from Dublin! Then we calculated the time to Wicklow if we went directly there under motor. When this became 0100 Sunday and no improvement in the weather forecasts, we decided to call it a day. So at 19:15, after about 7 hours with barely any wind, we reverted to motor. It took us 40minutes of motoring before we caught up with  Just enough followed by Raging Bull after another 20 minutes. At full power we got to Wicklow at 00:15 and after rafting up and securing lines we made it into the sailing club bar (still in oilies) at 00:40. 

We are obviously very disappointed that we had to pull out but we calculated that we would only have finished about 1-1 ½ hours after Just enough. Given that there were only three of us and we still needed to sail up to Dun Laoghaire in order to catch flights home, I think we made the right decision.

We’re back out there for the next ISORA on Sunday and although light winds are currently predicted again – I’m not leaving till we’ve finished!! We have all day Monday to get back to Pwllheli and have our own transport waiting at Pwllheli so don’t have all the logistical problems of Wicklow.

Here are a few photos of a beautifully calm Irish sea and also some of the start.






Racing Dashboard - Information

DASHBOARD with all the information you need to race in Pwllheli. From the 'Race Information Dashboard' you can access the full library of useful information with charts, list of marks, the list of fixed courses, and the Rules.
This information is available on all Racing pages of the CHPSC website!

Racing Information

Race Programme

The 2024 Race Programme is available in pdf format

Race Prorgramme - Here

Entry Form

If you have not joined as a 'Skipper Member' you can enter the race or series on-line - just follow the link

Enter the Race - Here


The 2024 racing chart is available in pdf format

Windward/Leeward Chartlet -Here

Fixed Courses

All fixed courses for 2024 available in pdf format here - only use the 2024 version!

Fixed Courses - Here

Matrix of Marks

Matrix of Marks

A Matrix giving distance and course from one CHPSC mark to another

Matrix of Marks

A Matrix giving distance and course from one CHPSC mark to another. This is provided to assist competitors

Race Chartlet

Race Chartlet

A Chartlet of the bay showing the position of the Racing marks

Race Chartlet

A Chartlet of the bay showing the position of the Racing marks. A must have item in the cockpit whilst racing!

Course Cards

Course Cards

A library of all CHPSC courses

Course Cards

A library of all CHPSC courses

List Of Marks

List Of Marks

A list of all the CHPSC Racing Marks with co-ordinates and description

List Of Marks

The full list of racing marks and buoys with coordinates - is available in pdf format. Available by following the link

The Rules

Sailing Instructions

The CHPSC Club Racing Sailing Instructions 2024 - available in pdf format


List of 2024 SSIs

List of Supplemental Sailing Instructions 2024


RRS 2021- 2024

PDF copy of the RRS 2021-2024


Racing Rules Of Sailing

The new RRS are published by World Sailing - follow this link for more information from World Sailing


Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club has been organising club racing of the highest quality for many years in the World acclaimed sailing waters of Cardigan Bay.
New item
The Bay provides near perfect sailing conditions with lack of commercial shipping, no strong tidal flows and ‘clean’ prevailing wind from the south west.
New item
The racing arena is all only minutes from the safe harbour, the marina or from the Plas Heli pontoon berths

IRC Welsh National Championship

IRC Welsh National Championships




Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club
Yr Hafan, Pwllheli, Gwynedd. LL53 5YT

Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club is a members club, a registered Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) and is affiliated to RYA and RYA Cymru Wales.  A Company Limited by Guarantee registered in Wales. Number 673674.

All photographs on our web site are with the kind consent of our Photographers Read our Disclaimer

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