Dear Member

Members Meeting & Celebration Party - Club Development

Further to our announcement last month that the finance package was now in place for this exciting project we now need to share with you the detail at present available and our proposals for the next steps.

We invite you to a meeting of members on Saturday 5th February at 1130hrs where we will provide a presentation of our proposals and invite your comments.

At this meeting we will ask you to endorse the work undertaken by the Management Committee and for our suggested procedure for moving the project forward. The proposal presents a unique opportunity to safeguard the future of the Club, providing better facilities and improved accommodation for members. We have concluded, having looked at alternatives that the project is the best and only way forward for the Club to survive and move forward.

The meeting will be followed by a celebration party at the Club.

We are at crucial point in moving from a concept plan to the detailed and design phase and it is vital that we get this right. Your views on the design of the facility will be invaluable and will enable us to ensure that we will deliver a facility which will meet all of our needs and aspirations as Club members.

More detail about the Academy can be found in the prospectus which is on our web site.

Your Management Committee has voted unanimously to proceed with the project and, therefore, asks that the meeting endorses the work undertaken by the Management Committee in developing the concept proposals for the Welsh National Sailing Academy and Events Centre in Pwllheli with CHPSC as the principal end use and authorises the MC to proceed with the establishment of an appropriate management and governance system for the Sailing Academy.

There is much work to be done to ensure the design is appropriate for our needs, a sustainable business plan is concluded and the longer term interests of the Club safeguarded.

With these objects in mind the MC will report back routinely to the membership and further meetings will arranged at key milestones in developing the project.

On behalf of the MC I urge you to come to the meeting on 5 February or if you are unable to do so send your comments to me at the Club Office as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

Stephen Tudor

Hon. Secretary - Ysgrifennydd anrhydeddus

Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club

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The above is a copy of an e-mail sent to all members on Monday 17th January2011. A pdf version of this letter for printing is available here.

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