From: Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

Sent: 17 February 2010 23:10
To: CHPSC Members and friends
Subject: CHPSC - February Update

Dear All / Annwyl Pawb
Our St David’s Day celebration takes place on Saturday 27th February – please follow this link for more details.
Mae gwybodaeth am Cinio Noson Gwyl Dewi ar gael trwy dilyn y linc yma.
‘Could you cope with an injury to a crew member whilst on the water – come to our first aid course – details available here’
Mae Cwrs Cymorth Cyntaf Argyfwng yn  cael ei gynnal yn Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli – Mwy o wybodaeth yma
Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club
Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club is a Company Limited by Guarantee is registered in Wales number 673674. Registered business address: Hafan, Glan Y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL535YT

pwllheli logo low res
