A series of e-mail postcards from Roburt Burn  - (The oldest e-mail is at the bottom)

Declan Burn, Roburt's son, was the 2009 Splash World Champion - which was awarded to Declan at the World Championship hosted by CHPSC this summer. Declan was also presented with our One Ton Cup  for his acheivements. Follow this link to the Splash World Championship information on this site.

Begin forwarded message:  3rd Postcard from Bermuda

From: "Robert Burn"

Date: 14 October 2009 17:13:22 GMT+01:00

To: Pwllheli Sailing Club

Subject: Fw: Ren Re Junior Gold Cup -Final postcard from Bermuda

Hello All

As fraudulent as maybe, the final postcard comes direct from the LA Airport Holiday Inn. We left Bermuda last night and Taylor is over the road at Maccies getting breakfast before Disneyland.

The 'Fat Lady' has very definitely sung re the Regatta. I wrote a long 3rd Postcard the other night only to see it disappear into cyberspace and I refused to spend much more time at the computer when the sky is blue, beaches are calling and Rum Swizzles to be tasted.

Taylor had a very mixed regatta, some great results and some not so good, conditions were great, usually sunny and warm but generally with lighter breezes. It was tricky and shifty and many didn't perform as they had hoped, as Taylor.

We did wonder why the MacKay's last year didn't do the WinterChamps but came directly to Bermuda. The lesson we have learned is that the long haul travel is a killer on performance and more recovery days are needed ....especially after a week away from home, a tough three day regatta and flying out that night with a couple of days and nights of non stop flying and waiting in airport terminals.

Danny and Lisa Greene, Taylor's hosts, commented they couldn't wake him in the mornings, he was that out to it with exhaustion.

The Regatta is such an event in itself that win or not, the sailors had such a great time with each other, the friendships made will see these sailors meet at regattas around the world for years to come. The competition was really tough and the opportunity to mix with the worlds top match racers is priceless. http://www.bermudagoldcup.com/ has the blow by blow account by Somers and Dede Cooper, they updated everything by iphone at the end of each race and provide a better picture than I could have done.

I shall forward a story by Talbot Wilson and some fab pictures separately, the computer doesn't like too much at once?  The Argie 'Nacho' was a lovely boy and totally dominated this event. His starts weren't always the best but his sheer boat speed was always awesome, this was his last regatta so plenty will be breathing a sign of relief, he has aged out. He couldn't touch Taylor in the breeze though in the pre regatta races.....pity the regatta was much lighter....

Taylor had his moment of glory in the last race during the final of the Match Racing in front of the Club. He 'Port tacked' the fleet but couldn't hold the lead in the shifty conditions, he finished a credible 5th. He did get a mention at the Prize giving and Press conference with some congrats from Scott Dickson and Ben Ainslie for the maneuver. His shirts got signed by the Ben and Team Origin and Adam and BlackMatch Racing, he enjoyed meeting them very much.

Too bad Adam's Team let the first two final races get away ...the third was amazing, it made us proud and to see the 'Kiwi' flags flying from the super yacht was fantastic.

We were a little sad to leave Bermuda, there is so much to see, so much history ...the oldest continuous settlement in the Western Hemisphere (don't count the Indians?) and I would love to come back with all the family.

All the people at the Club were wonderful and a huge thank you to our hosts, Penny and Sasha Simmons, Danny and Lisa Greene and Somers and Dede Cooper for working so hard to put on a great regatta.

We'll be back!!

Happy sailing


Begin forwarded message:  2nd Postcard from Bermuda

From: "Robert Burn"

To: Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club

Subject: 2nd Postcard from Bermuda

Hello All

'Dark and Stormy' is the Bermudans favourite rum drink ...and that's what last night brought us, howling wind, lots of clouds and showers. The racing for the junior fleet was delayed until 11am, the Match racers went out as soon as the storm front cleared, there was alot at stake for the Teams today as they headed towards the quarter finals, repercharges and possible knockouts.

Go to http://www.bermudagoldcup.com/ or Google the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club for the up to date action. The Junior Gold Cup is there too, all results etc, they are doing a great job of keeping everything current.

The Optimist fleet sailed out into the Sound, took about an hour, probably double the distance from Queen Charlotte Yacht Club out to our Sounds, also dodging ferries and the occasional reef.

The conditions for Opti sailing were probably as good as they could ever be, 15 -18 knots approx, reasonably steady from the northwest, warm weather and sunshine. I was given a much larger boat this morning to take to the course, my crew were the mum and dad of the GBR sailor, Annabel ...great company. 200hp and a Bimini cover, what else could one want?

Taylor was over on the first start, went back through and started again, he was 17th at the top mark, 5th at the bottom gate but dropped back again at the finish. He did almost the same the second race and worked so hard to get back into a good position. His third and last race of the day went a little more to plan after he stopped beating up on himself .....just course choices that didn't work out. He finished strongly with a 4th and not far from the rest of the front finishers.

It was a great day for 'Nacho' the Argentinean lad and two of the local Bermudan sailors, them and the Aussie ...they had great races. Although the conditions were fabulous the time between races was a little spread out and we only got three races in before a huge down wind sail home ......the kids loved it, especially as the Match racing was still going right by the Club.

The regatta is only starting, three more days to go with hopefully plenty of sun and wind. As always, the fittest will do the best and hopefully all the sailors took to heart what Adam and Peter Gilmore told them.

Tonight is the Bacardi Bat Party at the Club. Bacardi is one of the sponsors of the Match Racing and they have gone 'all out' tonight, the music is blasting and the rum flowing. Too bad I have been elsewhere doing emails home ...I missed the Bacardi Girls too! I have to drive a little scooter home and it is hard enough to find my way in the dark without having my fill of 'Dark and Stormies'

I'll have some photos of the action for you next time. My crew have really good cameras and are not as blind as me. Attached are a couple of quick shots of Taylor at The Club
Tomorrow is another day!

Happy sailing

From: "Robert Burn"

Date: 8 October 2009 01:42:03 GMT+01:00

To: Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club

Subject: Bermuda Argo Gold Cup - day before Junior Cuo race day

Hello all from Warm but stormy Bermuda. 

The Argo Gold cup match racing is in full swing and the junior sailors are loving being around the bid guns of the sailing world. 

There are 16 invited junior International sailors from around the world, 10 of them National Champions including Taylor Burn, NZL, Queen Charlotte and Murrays Bay Clubs. The junior sailors went out this morning in a brisk 20 knots for some training and a couple of races, Taylor won both but you can't read too much into that at this stage. There was a bit of breakage, Doug Campbell of Australia suffering the most ...but not as bad as the match racing yacht that went up the rocks in front of all the spectators. Luckily these IOD boats are built solidly and the rig was the worst affected. 

The juniors got some close up views of the action after their pm training session was cancelled and they came in very wet but thrilled. 

Bermuda is a magical place, full of colour, nice, friendly people and wind! The little country is celebrating 400 years of history and was built on sailing, that fact abundantly apparent walking around the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club and visiting all the rooms. The history documented in each room is amazing and gives our junior sailors a sense of what went before them. The Club is right in the centre of Hamilton, the Capital. It is a lovely pastel apricot colour and stands out across the water. 

Scott Dixon is doing the match racing commentary in 'Kiwi', it is broadcast downstairs and makes you feel that you are on the water with the sailors. Our three NZL teams are doing well and all of the guys, especially Adam Minioprio, have come up and wished Taylor well.....he could hear the yell of 'Go Kiwi' as he sailed out past the changeover barge this morning. 

Tonight we had registration and the Team meal, plenty of great Lasagne and salad for the happy sailors. Adam Minioprio and Peter Gilmore addressed the junior sailors and answered lots of questions. It was inspiring stuff from both and will set the young sailors up well.  

The sailors are being billeted by the Bermudan families, Taylor is with Danny and Lisa Greene, and will be sailing with their son Jacob, when the competition starts tomorrow, Thursday 8th October, Bermuda time.I am staying with the true legends of Bermuda sailing, Sasha and Penny Sissons, the owners of one of the match racing boats. Their house is a shrine to all things sailing and they have made me very welcome. 

Tomorrow the weather is expected to be around 18 - 20 knots plus but decreasing, Taylor and the bigger sailors will be very happy. 

Happy sailing

Rob Burn       

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