420 Junior European Championships PwllheliwebGET VOTING for the Yacht Racing Image of the Year - Professional photographer Alan Dop who is also a club member, has been short listed with his photo from the 420 Junior Europeans this year. A stunning shot of France's 420 pair of Arnaud HERAIL/Paco LEPOUTRE launching off a wave.

Go and vote NOW here© Alan Dop Photography

The ‘Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image’ is a yearly photographic contest and exhibition. It seeks to recognise the very best yacht racing image taken during the year, and that which best represents the essence and excitement of yacht racing as a sport.

The contest is open to professional yacht racing photographers from all over the world. Two prizes will be awarded in 2013:

  • The ‘Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image 2013’, chosen by a panel of specialists from the yacht racing and photographic industries
  • The ‘public prize’ decided by the number of popular votes on the website and the delegates from the World Yacht Racing Forum.

Seventy of the world’s best yacht racing photographers, representing seventeen nations, have submitted a picture for the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Award 2013. The public is now invited to vote online. The best yacht racing picture of the year will be celebrated during the World Yacht Racing Forum, in Gothenburg, on December 10-11.

Included in this shortlist is a stunning photo taken at the 2013 420 Junior European Championships in Wales by event photographer Alan Dop. 

Dop describes taking the shot, "It was the 15th of August and at the start of the 420 junior European Championship held at Pwllheli Sailing Club which is the Welsh National Sailing Academy. It was blowing about 18-20 Knots and there was a moderate sea. On the way out to the race course we made our way to get some images of the start then went upwind to the windward mark and positioned just up wind of it. It was close racing with the fleet together in the pack as the made their way towards us. I was tracking this boat as it was approaching and captured the boat as it leapt up through the wave. The conditions were trick and a bit hairy at some points with the amount of boats coming towards us. Nigel my rib driver positioned the rib for me so I could concentrate on getting the shots It’s with thanks to Nigel for his help with this that allowed me to capture this image."

Vote for Alan Dop's photo by clicking on the link below:


420 Junior European Championships Pwllheliweb

©Alan Dop Photography | www.alandop.com/sailing

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