Report - For the Pwllheli Harbour Consultative Committee

24th April 2015

By the following Stakeholders:

  • Partneriaeth Pwllheli Partnership
  • Plas Heli
  • Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club (CHPSC)
  • Pwllheli Chamber of Trade
  • Pwllheli Marine Traders Association
  • Pwllheli Mooring and Berth Holders’ Association (PMBHA)

Introduction and Background

The stakeholders were invited to a meeting at Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club to consider a joint response to the ‘Gwynedd Council Pwllheli Harbour maintenance dredging strategy’ prepared by consulting engineers ARUP and dated 25th March 2015.

Copies of the Draft Strategy had been circulated to the stakeholders with the meeting invitation.

Those present confirmed that they represented their respective organisations and it was concluded that we were all likeminded and approved a joint response to the report.


Stakeholders’ Response

The Strategy was welcomed and the stakeholders asked that the report’s conclusion could be implemented as soon as possible as a full suite of measures required to provide a credible maintenance dredging strategy for Pwllheli harbour.

The group concluded that the reports presentation and future usability would be improved if the conclusions on page 39 were repeated as part of an Executive Summary at the beginning of the document with an indication of a timetable for the actions outlined and to include the following bullets:

  • Remove Stockpile – immediately
  • Groyne Reinforced and raised – immediately
  • Depth and width of the Channel – adjusted to new design – as soon as practicable
  • Annual dredging of marina basin using procured machinery – winter 2015/16
  • Seek out and arrange offshore disposal – start as soon as practicable
  • Trial water injection and ploughing in the harbour approaches – immediately
  • Start work on a study for the construction of the sheltering structures (groynes) as soon as practicable

The stakeholders were also of the opinion that the suite of measures should also include the following:

  • a sand trap in the Harbour entrance – if there is a time lag in providing regular ploughing or water injection clearance of the harbour approaches
  • Consideration to widening the channel (to reduce flow rates) and methods of removing material without double handling and stockpiling on the harbour edge
  • that the harbour approaches (Channel) should be maintained by ploughing water injection at 1.5m
  • the marina basin should be maintained at -3.5m  CD instead of the 3.0m
  • Special consideration for the area of erosion on the north side of the newly created Academy basin

Attendees and Organisation (in the order of introductions)

Name Organisation/s Confirmed / Signature
Stephen Tudor Plas Heli and Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club Confirmed
Michael Parry Plas Heli and Partneriaeth Pwllheli Confirmed
Ruth James Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club and PMBHA Confirmed
Bohdan Borzykowski Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club and PMBHA Confirmed
Mark Thompson Pwllheli Mooring and Berth Holders’ Association Confirmed
Nan Langford Pwllheli Mooring and Berth Holders’ Association Confirmed
Paul Langford Pwllheli Mooring and Berth Holders’ Association Confirmed
Richard Tudor Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club and Plas Heli Confirmed
Andrew Picken Chamber of Trade Confirmed
Wil Partington Marine Traders Association Confirmed

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