Flags3CHPSC News:

A race around the "Tremadog Triangle" took place on Saturday the 18th July in a gentle 6 kt Northerly breeze with clearing skys after a day of rain. The 5pm start due to tides worked well,  and 6 boats came to the line.  "Jackknife" won the race in IRC with "No idea" winning the NHC class.  On Sunday two members completed laps of the Tremadog Triangle - "Theia" and "Sea Minx"  who now heads the NHC leader board. "Jac Y Do"  continues to lead the IRC  fleet. "Theia"  also completed a lap of the Commodores Challenge (St Tuds islands and Carreg Y Trai) and leads the NHC class with an excellent time of 1hr 48 mins corrected. 

Planning for the "Stripped Down" Spinlock IRC Welsh National Championships  continues with a "Zoom" meeting of the club racing committee held last Sunday evening.  After confirming the proposed plans,  the event was "re-booted" with a newsletter going out with all the details, and a much reduced price structure. There will be racing for all types of boat, including Cruisers, IRC Class 1 and 2  inshore  and ISORA coastal courses, with race management considering  the shorthanded crews when setting courses - expect less races per day and longer legs. The "stripped down" championship was published in the UK, Irish and European yachting press on Thursday.  ( Yachts and Yachting, Afloat  and EuroSail)  -  Full details at the event website here  

CHIPAC  (Clwb Hwylio Ieuenctid Pwllheli A'r Cylch) our youth sailing section have nearly finished their preparations and protocols following the lockdown, and start their 2020 activities next Friday, which is a credit to the hard work put in by Gwyndaf, Jane and James - and many more.  We look forward to seeing young sailors training next week. CHIPAC2009Many club members have started their sailing journeys with CHIPAC and gone on to represent the club at regional, national and international level, including the Americas Cup!  More information about CHIPAC can be found here

 CHIPAC sailors photographed  in 2009 - many are still sailing with CHPSC today - how many can can you recognise? 


 "Back to Boating" - Task Force Update 

 Vice Commodore Gerallt Williams, our Task Force leader reported as follows:

"Track and Trace" is an essential element of our back to boating protocol, and one that is mandated for the leisure sector by Welsh Government.  We have two track and trace email addresses, one for the Bar as highlighted below (Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.) and one for the compound and pontoons (Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.) - it only takes a few seconds with a smart phone to record your visit, this helps us comply with COVID regulations, and you are assured we  operate strict data protection protocols.

* If you are, or intend being a user of the Plas Heli pontoons, please read and adhere to the pontoon protocols which are available here *

* If you are, or intend being a user of the Plas Heli compound for dinghy sailing, please read and adhere to the Plas Heli compound protocol - available here *

  Read more about the work of the 'Back to Boating Task Force' here


Club What’s On:

 Saturday 25th July - Pwllheli Regatta -  a fun  race  will be organised for both NHC and IRC boats with a start time of 10:45 for IRC boats  and 11:00 for NHC Cruisers. The race will have long legs recognising many boats will be shorthanded, and race around  Pwllheli  racing marks, and possibly others marks aiming to finish around  13:30. We also invite members who would like to take part in the regatta, but not race, to dress their boats with flags and burgees, and sail  or motor through the finish  line  at 14:00,  from west to east. One of the flag officers will judge the boats. Regatta trophies for both racing classes, and best dressed boat will be awarded by Commodore Jane Butterworth on the Plas Heli main deck at 5 pm. The bar will be open for drinks on the deck.

 Summer issue of “Codi Hwyl” is now being planned, anyone wishing to submit an article, please email: Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld. The last issue is here  Stories of previous cruises, regattas will be welcomed.

 The "Tremadog Triangle" and "Commodore’s Challenge" are available for members to attempt  – see the website for details of both acetracks here 

 Plas Heli:


DYDD GWENER - FRIDAY 24/07/20     12noon – 9pm

DYDD SADWRN - SATURDAY 25/07/20   12noon -9pm

DYDD SUL – SUNDAY 26/07/20     12noon – 5pm

Dioddyd  yn unig  - I  yfed ar y  teras  ar hyn o bryd  / Drinks only  for consumption on the terrace at present

The email address for track and trace is Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

 New codes on all gates, please don’t pass on these numbers. Anyone with a genuine need to access the pontoons, compounds or other gates areas will be provided with the code. Email Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld. for details.

Future Plas Heli hosted Events:

CHPSC Regatta - 25th July

CHIPAC - 31st July

IRC Welsh National Championships - 14th - 16th August

ISORA Night Coastal Race - 21st August

 Thought for  the Day:

"The desire to succeed means nothing without the will to prepare"



For more information, membership links and the latest weather and webcam

go to:




pwllheli logo low res
