CHPSC News: 

It is sad to state that there are no reports of a great bonfire night with sausage, beans and mash. For some a glimpse of a neighbour’s fireworks in the distance, or on the television, was all we had to mark the passing of November 5th.

The days are shorter, and with each passing storm we are conceding that for many of us, boating opportunities in 2020 are diminishing. It is now time to remind ourselves that we did have some great days on the water this year, despite Covid-19. For the hardy racers there is still time to complete the Commodore's Challenge and I am sure that for those that can, there will be some magical winter sailing days in our fantastic bay!

The CHPSC Flag Officers and Management Committee continue to plan and adapt by working within the ever-changing regulations as we reach the end of the Firebreak lockdown in Wales. Regrettably it is unlikely that we will be able to hold the Christmas Ball and prize giving, but we hope to have a small gathering of the Flag Officers and past Commodores (should the new hospitality and rules allow) to celebrate the succession of our club Commodores. We will report fully on this later in the month.

In December we will publish a list of our 2020 champions, the winners of this year’s racing and cruising trophies and we aim to have a bigger and better prize giving ball next year, to reward these worthy recipients. With the start of the English Lockdown period we will return to publishing the "boredom buster" video links for your enjoyment.

There is further news below about our dinghy compound and the location of the water colour is revealed


World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing 2021 - 2024Racing - Proposed IRC Rating changes 2021  and updates to rules of racing -2021-2024


A number of proposed changes to the IRC Formula for 2021, which will impact club boats that race under the IRC rating system  in club racing,  ISORA and the Welsh IRC Champs. 

The proposed changes have been outlined in the document from the IRC Technical  Committee to the IRC Congress - see here

RRS 2021-24

Every three years World Sailing publish a new set of "Racing Rules for Sailing". The 2021-2024 rules also refered to as RRS have been published and for your convenience we have added this to the Racing Information Pack - Details here. or just click on the image on the right.

 Vendee Globe

This Incredible race starts this  Sunday  the  8th November  and is one we know many members like to follow. 

The race can be followed by  accessing the event website here or downloading the app from the Apple app store or Google Play store

Bangor born Alex Thomson's "HUGO BOSS" latest promotional video can be viewed here, or below

Member Spotlight - James Evans 

An account by club member James Evans - Senior Instructor CHIPAC, club member, and son of Pen Llyn.

It all started when I was about 12 years old. My Dad bought a She31 and we started racing with ISORA. It was hard going but great. I received my initiation offshore training from Dad and the legend Owi Jones. Later we had a great crew with Vaughan Jones and Rheinallt. We won loads of cups and drank G&T from them! Dad sold the boat and I joined Gerry Haggas on Sunspot. Gerry could navigate by the stars and I realised this one night off Donegal, I couldn't believe it. Then I joined John Morris on Greased Lighting. The one time I was ever  scared on a boat was on a Fastnet Race with John in a storm with boats crossing near the Rock at night and zero visibility! I think that was the race that Dad, Richard, Stephen, Glen were on Glider? Then I joined Gwylan Evans on Corwynt. -we won Cork Week as I recall, having spent the warm-up day in the bar, as one does, warming up! That was my offshore career done really. I would really like to try another Round Ireland race some time.  (James - I've booked you :)
I have gravitated towards dinghy sailing. Around 1995 I bought a Contender and did some racing but didn't win anything. It was magic but quite difficult to tack across the boat under the boom, a common thread of my still fledgling dinghy career. Then around 1996 I bought a Dart 18 cat and did some serious long-distance stuff and camping on beaches. I think this re-ignited the sea dog in me. 
In 2007 I did a Three Peaks with Eric Gwalia and Ken Fitzpatrick on a Beneteau 27. Rowing a boat against the tide past Beaumaris was surreal. Two storms later we made it. Our runners won everything and were truly awesome, like Ken's navigation. Huw McEars and Gavin were our support crew, what a party in Fort William!
Around 2006/7 I bought a Cork1720. It was nice to come home for weekends and go racing but nothing quite prepared me for being a skipper. We did ok. I spent a fortune on amazing new sails! I took the Cork to St Malo with Andy Brook, Eleri and Jon Abrahams for the Europeans. We didn't do very well but had a magic week. I take my family there when we go to France and we swim in the pool on the city walls, it's a lovely place. Then I took the Cork to Cork Week with Stephen & Thomas Tudor,Eifion Owen and Huw McEars. We were near the front of the fleet in a downwind slalom course one day and the tiller came off in my hand - my all-time sailing low moment - we all have them? It was another great week. Apart from one race with Sgrech to Dingle that's the last time I was outside Cardigan Bay on a boat.
Nowadays I sail a home made Moth Lowrider. The hull weighs less than 10kg! My friend Miles James and I made it in Mynytho and bought some bits on Facebook. I'm too heavy really but enjoy summer beach days with breeze, it's what I want to do. One day maybe I'll try foiling?
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I've been helping Gwyndaf with CHIPAC for years. It's very satisfying seeing young people on the water. I just want more young sailors to come out of Pwllheli and hope they keep their skills up to date, unlike me! I feel like I am re-learning yet again. And with my Moth at my age I'm having the time of my sailing life. Fair winds! 



Plas Heli, the Welsh National Sailing Academy and Event Centre, has been awarded the venue rights for the 'IRC Welsh National Championships' for 2021 and 2022.  The Championship is hosted by Plas Heli, and organised/managed by CHPSC and the RDYC.

We now are recruiting volunteers for event planning purposes and if you would like to contribute, or have any suggestions to enhance the event, please reply to this newsletter. Its intended to have the first planning meeting in December to agree the Notice of Race and proposed format of racing.  This meeting will be open to all potential entrants   and volunteers, and will be held using Zoom. Further details next month.

2021 Membership Rates


Membership of CHPSC for 2021 is now available from 1st October 2020 for new members - a person who has not been a member for the last three years

The membership year is from 1st January to 31st December, so a new member in October will benefit from 15 months of membership for the price of 12!

2021 Fee Structure 

Primary Member - £65

Joint Membership - £115

Racing Skipper - £125

Joint Racing Skipper - £180

Associate Member - £75

Student Member - £30

Youth Member - £20

Dinghy Storage

Small (Optimist/Topper) £55 (£48 early payment)

Medium (Laser) £65 £55 early payment)

Large (Merlin Rocket) £85 (£75 early payment)

Multi Hulls (Dart etc) £95 (£83 early payment)


Plas Heli will re-open on Thursday 12th November (proided regulations allow) and the new winter opening times will be circulated in the next e-newsletter.

IMG 0384

 IMG 0383"Pysgod a Sglodion" - fish and chips, plus the popular burger - offered as a special on Saturdays with a free beer


New codes on all gates - please don’t pass on these numbers. Anyone with a genuine need to access the pontoons, compounds or other gated areas will be provided with the code, combination or key. Email Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld. for details, or talk to one of your Flag Officers. The Plas Heli event car park on the quay is also available for members parking, should the main Plas Heli car park fill up - for a parking permit see instructions below.

Track and Trace is a Government requirement, please record your details on the sheet provided at the entrance to the  bar, or send an email to Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.. It is a Welsh Government recommendation that you also use the NHS app, via the QR code below. 


Future Plas Heli/PSC hosted Events:

Winter series 21/22nd November

Thought for  the Day:

"happiness springs from doing good and helping others "


 For more information, membership links and the latest weather and webcam

go to:


Plas Heli Quayside Parking

The parking area on the Plas Heli Quayside is available for paid up CHPSC members and to authorised pontoon users.

The parking area is accessed through the gate adjacent to the old club building

The code to the gate is changed regularly and can be obtained through the website  > Facilities> Parking.  For convenience follow this shortcut link here

Fill in the details – put a tick in the box to confirm that you are a CHPSC member (have your 2020 membership number ready)

Then in the payment bit – use ‘I am a paid up CHPSC member and request permit for parking’ - Then Submit

You will then get a return e-mail with instructions

Please make sure the gate is closed and locked at all times and that the padlock is never left open or with the code left on the dial

NHS at Plas Heli

Many of you will have noticed a new porta-cabin located adjacent to the old club building - this is used by Betsi Cadwaladr National Health Trust Nursing staff for patient consultations in a secure covid-free environment.

Plas Heli is pleased to be able to assist the NHS with this facility and the use of the training rooms in Plas Heli


pwllheli logo low res
