WelcomePosterWelsh Government issued a Statement on Friday 29th May which in brief allows boating as a form of exercise, from Monday 1st June, subject to complying with current regulations. – see here

RYA Cymru Wales , the governing body for boating in Wales, published a Statement on Friday 29th May confirming the steps needed for our safe return to boating – see here

We believe that individuals as members of CHPSC who have dinghies in the Plas Heli compound can use their dinghies by launching on the Glan Don beach.

The Joint Task Group has worked through a risk assessment for this activity and has developed a ‘protocol’. This protocol was approved by the Joint Task Group on 31st May and is to be effective for Monday 1st June.

The Joint Task Group has also considered the use of the Plas Heli pontoons, assessed the risk and developed a ‘protocol’. This protocol was approved by the Joint Task Group on 31st May and is to be effective for Monday 1st June but is subject to the limitations imposed by the current Notice to Mariners dated 6th April which prohibits boat movements in the harbour. See here.

The Task Force considered it prudent and in-line with the advice given by RYA Cymru Wales to be prepared in readiness for the relaxation of restrictions.

It is hoped that Gwynedd Council, as the harbour authority, will follow the lead of many other Harbour Authorities by allowing boat movements in the harbour from Monday 1st June. This would, of course, be subject to all the regulations set out by Welsh Government.

The work of the Task Force is to ensure that our return to boating is achieved as soon as possible, in a safe, considerate, and responsible manner.

Read the protocols here

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