Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club
2003 Licensing Act
Members are informed that these Premises will be regulated under the Club Certificate No DC0015 at all times other than for the hours of 11:30-16:30 on Sundays; between 18:00-02:00 on certain Friday and Saturday nights when a Prior Booking has been made to hold an outside function, and between 11:30-00:00 on certain days for Prior Bookings, when it will be regulated under its Premises Licence, No DE0284.
Deddf Drwyddedu 2003
Hysbysir yr aelodau fod yr Adeilad hwn yn cael ei reoli o fewn Tystysgrif Clwb Rhif DC0015 ar bob adeg oddieithr yr oriau 11:30 - 16:30 ar y Sul; rhwng 18:00 - 02:00 ar rhai nosweithiau Gwener a Sadwrn pryd y bydd Rhagarcheb Ymlaenllaw wedi ei wneud i gynnal trafniant allanol, a rhwng 11:30 - 00:00 ar ddiwrnod arbennig ar gyfer Rhagarcheb Ymlaenllaw, pryd y bydd dan reolaeth Trwydded Adeilad, Rhif  DE0284.

Stephen Tudor -  Hon. Secretary - Ysgrifennydd anrhydeddus 
Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club

Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club is a Company Limited by Guarantee is registered in Wales number 673674. Registered business address: Hafan, Glan Y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL535YT

Membership Options


This link takes you to the membership options page and the on-line membership application form 

Just choose the membership category that matches your needs and then pick out the extras a required.

