The CHPSC Dinghy Compound Registration Form for 2012 is available here or in Welsh here.

The Club Dinghy Compound
Use this form to register your dinghy for use in the Sailing Club’s Compound which is located to the north of the Main Events Compound and adjacent to the beach entrance.
This compound is for beach craft that are less than 18 feet long and can be launched from a trolley on the beach.
All vessels must be registered by filling in this form and returning it to Pwllheli Sailing Club with the annual fee of £25.00 (PSC members) or £75 (Non PSC Members) made payable to Pwllheli Sailing Club. A marker or sticker will be issued and we will provide a key or compound entry instructions.
A separate form must be used for each vessel.
Vessels which are larger than 18 feet must be registered with Gwynedd Council.
Any unregistered vessels in the compound will be removed.

Please note that the compound will be recolated as part of the WNSA project when the work starts on the new building in September 2012. Further details will be posted when the details are known.


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