Mae'r ddogfen yma ar gael yn Gymraeg - yma. This item is available in Welsh

We hope that Lyndsay make a speedy recovery and we all wish Gwyndaf well with his treatment.

Congratulations to:

Mair & Dave Hulse (Commodore) - Grandparents (once again) - Catrin Elsi.

Phillip and Linda Horwood (Hon Treasurer) - Grandparents for the first time - Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter Amilea and our kind regards to your daughter Lucy. 

Grainnie - (the bar) - is also a grandmother - Efan Hedd

This weekend 12 - 13 June 2010

We host the Dickies - Beneteau Regatta - More information and SI's

There is a superb BBQ on Saturday night with a Caribbean theme

There are more galley announcements - keep an eye on the home page.

 Next Weekend 19th June

The Long Trophy - Racing is at CHPSC on Saturday and SCYC on Sunday. Please contact racing@pwllhelisailingclub if you intend to race in the PSC or SCYC teams.

Anyone wanting to crew or skippers who are short of crew please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. David Kneen is a keen J80 sailor and is looking for a slot on a racer - can you help?

Three Peaks Race - 19th June from Barmouth

Good luck to Julian and the crew on 'Stormforce' and Trevor and the gang on 'Silver Surfers' (aka Josaphine) on the Three Peaks Race.

RACING - ISORA - ICRA - Dee Regatta

Congratulations to the crew on Just enough for the 1st overall result in the Pwllheli to Wicklow Race last weekend- ISORA Race 4 - Results and Report and a great result for Mojito in the ICRC regatta in Dublin Bay.

Also congratulations to Owen and Robin on Wennol III for their 1st place result in the recent Dee Regatta.


Fantastic news that Aimee has qualified for a place in the WORLD Youth Laser Radial championships in July - well done and good luck.

Sailing Courses

Sailing Courses have been arranged for this summer - please book early.

Events and Championships

We host the International Finn Nationals on 22 -25th July and the Topper Nationals for the week commencing 1st August. This event will start with a march from the town to an opening ceremony at the club - please come along to support.

We also host the fantastic P1 powerboat management Ltd Powerboat Racing on 10th - 11th July - more details to follow.

Motor Boat

Following the very successful cruise in company to Barmouth on 22nd May further trips are scheduled. Including a cruise to Porthdinllaen on 24th or 25th July and an overnight flotilla trip to Aberystwyth 14th- 15th August.


We would like to include a blog of your cruise on the web site please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in sharing your experiences.

Dez Gulliford - Round the World Web Site - have a look.

Club Room - Neil and Dez have been busy redecorating the back wall of the club room -


We have been informed that the "..dredging work at Pwllheli harbour is progressing well despite the extended period of dredging work.

The contractors were not operating during the Whitsun half term holiday and this will have enabled vessels to navigate to seaward with minimum disruption.

The dredging plant will have recommenced dredging on the 10th June and will be operating in the approach channel for approximately a further two weeks."

We will provide further updates when available.

Club Matters

Please remember to pay at the bar with your club card to take advantage of the bar and food discounts.

If you have not yet paid your subscription fee the discounts given via your club card will be temporarily suspended - this discount facility will be promptly reinstated on receipt of your payment.

If you have not received an email from us recently please send a message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with your name address, and if possible, your membership card number, we can then update our records to ensure that you receive the news items.

Cysylltwch a Ni / Contact Us:
Swyddfa / Office  01758 613343   Fax  01758 612134Bar / Clubroom 01758 614442
Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club is a Company Limited by Guarantee and is registered in Wales - number 673674.
Registered business address: Hafan, Glan Y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL535YT
Y mae’r neges hon at ddefnydd yr unigolyn neu’r corff y’i cyfeiriwyd ato, a gall gynnwys gwybodaeth breifat, cyfrinachol na ddylid ei datgelu.
This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure.



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