International sailors make a Splash  in Pwllheli

115 of the world's top 13 – 18 year old single handed sailors have been battling it out in the 'Splash' World Championships races off Pwllheli, all this week.  The competition was run in parallel to the Flash Eurocup, which attracted a fleet of over 30 young adults from Europe.

The event has drawn representatives from 8 countries along with their families, including strong teams from New Zealand and the Netherlands. In the early stages, local enthusiast and Welsh sailing International, Bleddyn Môn (Red Wharf Bay & Pwllheli), held the lead. He was supported by three Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club youth members – Aimee Sirocco-Jones, Siwan Roberts and William Philby, who all enjoyed their first experience in this type of dinghy.

The Mayor of Pwllheli, Councillor Evan John Hughes, performed the opening ceremony and delighted our visitors with his warm welcome to the town. Indeed throughout the week the presence of so many overseas visitors has been commented on positively by the Town’s traders.

A steady stream of VIP's have attended this week's races including Assembly Heritage Minister, Alun Ffred Jones, AM; Elfyn Llwyd, MP for Meirionnydd Nant Conwy, and Arthur Emyr, the Assembly Government's Wales Nations and Regions Co-ordinator for the 2012 Olympics. All had the enjoyment of going afloat to see the competition at first hand.

Bob Lowe, Chairman of Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club’s Events Committee said “this world class event is regarded as further proof that Pwllheli Sailing Club is now a top venue for major dinghy sailing events and that the sailing waters in Cardigan Bay around Pwllheli are amongst the best in the UK.”

After 13 races the World Championship was won by New Zealander, Declan Burn with the silver medal going to Dutchman, Hansebas Meijer, just beatingby one point the top Welsh entry, Bleddyn Mon, into bronze medal position.

17 August 2009

Note for News & Picture Editors: For further details and/or picture opportunities contact:   GarethRoberts : 01758 613343  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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