Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club are pleased to confirm that a member is again taking part in the '2009 Powerbar Three Peaks Yacht Race'

Storm Force  - Westerly Storm 33
Julian Wells, Lee Holden, Mike (Stan) Stanford (all vets working in various areas of the country - Julian and Stan both work as consultants for a professional indemnity insurer. Julian's background is in small animal practice in Shropshire, Stan is a specialist avian vet based in Cheshire. Lee runs a predominantly production animal practice in Yorkshire but keeps a much cherished Nicholson 32 in Largs.

The runners are Jon Bona and Robin Leith, both from Aberdeen. Jon works in the oil industry as a graduate engineer specialising in risk management.
Robin is a lawyer.

Julian is the owner/skipper with a background in dinghy racing then one design racing on the solent before competing in the British Steel Challenge round the world race in competition with Richard Tudor. Julian has completed two previous Three Peaks Races and also suffered the embarrassment of sinking a boat outside Ravenglass when having gone aground, the tow arranged by the coastguard took us over a sandbank that ripped the keel and a section of hull away. Latterly Julian has raced at PSC in Quango, a Hunter 707.

We are raising money for the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust with a target of at least £1500 (link below).

The race can be followed at - follow the link from the official three peaks web site. We will be carrying satellite tracking.

Many thanks to all the PSC members who have been so supportive and sent good wishes.




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