
DearMembers and Guests

Yesterday, I should have been saying goodbye to all the RYA Youth sailors and officials of what would have been a great week of racing and today preparing for our AGM and welcoming members to the Club and it be the start of a busy 2020 season and for once the weather is being kind to us which would of kicked off the 2020 season in good fashion.

As we are all too aware things are very different and our lives have changed without notice but let us all hope that the changes and sacrifices that we are having to make now will benefit us all in the hopefully not too distant future, unfortunately we are all going to either know of or know someone who will ultimately be beaten by this deadly virus and my thoughts go out to all those affected.

On a more positive note let us all hope we can look forward to some sailing time and distant socialising in the summer of 2020 and that we establish a new normal shortly.

Please, as we are being advised stay home, stay safe and support our NHS staff and all our key works and services that are essential in keeping the Country going at this very difficult time for us all.


Jane Butterworth
Commodore- Morlywydd

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