The 2020 AGM by Zoom Saturday 23rd May 

The rescheduled CHPSC AGM was hosted on 'Zoom' due to the Covid19 Pandemic Lockdown restrictions

CommodoreCommodore: Jane Butterworth

Commodore Jane Butterworth welcomed 25 members and Gerwyn Owen, RYA Cymru Wales CEO to the meeting at 10.00hrs on Saturday morning to conduct the formal business of the AGM; approve the minutes of he 2019 AGM, approve the accounts for 2019 and elect officers of the club for 2020/21.

The formal meeting was concluded sucessfully with 2019 accounts and minutes approved. 

The Minutes for the 2020 meeting are published 24th May 2020 and available for members by logging in.


PhilipHorwoodHon. Treasurer: Philip Horwood
Pip has attended every AGM since 1983!

 Following the conclusion of the business Gerwyn Owen RYA Cymru Wales CEO provided an overview of the work undertaken on our behalf to get us back to boatingas soon as p[ossible in a safe and considerate manner. He replied to questions and was thanked for his presentation and work.

AGMFlag Officers - Gerallt Williams, Mark Thompson and Stephen Tudor


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