
The Management committee of Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club are busy  organising exciting events at Plas Heli, during the four day holiday weekend commencing the 2nd June, to mark the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and our own Pwllheli Regatta on Saturday 4th June.

We invite all members and their guests to take part in any of the on water or shore based activities. 

A full and detailed programme will be announced next week with a special Platinum Jubilee newsletter, but to allow everyone to make plans, the following activities are announced:


 Tremadog Bay Jubilee Regatta

The "Tremadog Bay  Jubilee Regatta" - four days of racing, including the Regatta pursuit race on Saturday 4th.

The notice of race is published here, and the pursuit race start times course and supplementary instructions, will be published on Friday 3rd. The pursuit race will be a 2 1/2 hour race around Tremadog Bay, and we invite entries for both IRC and NHC classes. If you don't know your rating we will calculate one. It's intended to be a lighthearted and fun race, with the finish devised to allow all boats to take part in the parade of boats  at 2pm 

Parade of CHPSC boats 

Starting at the West End racing mark, a parade of club members boats - sail, motor, ribs etc behind the RNLI Pwllheli  Shannon lifeboat along the shore line - past Gimlet rock and the harbour entrance, allowing specators on the Plas Heli balcony to view the spectacle, before turning towards the Pwllheli Fairway Buoy. This should allow everyone to then disperse and return to the harbour with at least 2.8m of tide

There is a trophy for the best dressed boat, and we invite everyone to take part. All communications will be on Channel 17 with the parade leader transmitting using the call sign "PSC Bridge"

Jubilee and Pwllheli Regatta Party


Saturday late afternoon and evening there will be  a BBQ on the decks at Plas Heli, with live music by the Jac Dobson a'r Band  when dancing is encouraged! this is a pay as you go event, and tickets will be sold at the bar.

We will present the three regatta trophies this evening to the race winners and the crew of the best dressed boat. 

Sean Devlin @ Plas Heli

Sean and Kelliie will be offering tasty food and refreshing beverages all weekend, come enjoy the spectatcular  views from the balcony and sample  the special dishes on offer. Menus and opening hours will be publicised next week

We hope you will join us for a relaxed weekend on and off the water.

Hwyl - Good Sailing

Flag Officers CHPSC




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