Plas Heli has now updated the Plas Heli Pontoon and Quayside access policy.
This policy sets out what is expected of Plas Heliwhen setting, sharing and changing the access codes, and what is expected of all users to protect the codes and everyone's assets.
The Policy sets out the process adopted for a code change, and how that is communicated with all authorised users.
You will note from the policy that we now have the ability to set different codes for different groups of users, and this can be extended to a boat specific code, on request. This boat specific code can be set to open both quayside barrier and the pontoon access gate -so only one code to remember.
We hope that these changes will add to the user experience and improve the security of all assets.
We will update the policy for the main compound gate as soon as the work to automate the gate has been completed. See below.

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