Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club were once again privileged and delighted to be invited to this prestigious sailing event in Cowes, one of 12 clubs invited to race against the Squadron team. Teams were encouraged to include mixed gender and young sailors. George Bird-Jones once again managed the team selection and planning, and accompanied by PSC Commodore Mark Thompson, went to Cowes to support the team over the three days both on shore and on the water. The J70 team Chris Jones - Skipper and helm, Dave Sharp - trimmer, Gareth Jones-Davies and Morgandie Harrold - Bows and Pit, had prepared very well in the lead up to the event, and sailed superbly over the 11 races, of which 9 were two laps of a windward/Leeward course, and two passage races designed to get the boats back to Cowes from the Race area, which was set at Brambles bank on race day 2 and Osbourne Bay on day 3. Of these 11 races, PSC had a race win and two second places, which was fantastic in a very competative fleet. Overall our team finished in a creditable 4th place, with Morgandie receiving an award for being one of two under 18 year old sailors, and the team receiving an award for representing Wales. I would like to thank Pete and Vicky for allowing the crew to train on Mojito Bach, and extend this to everyone involved in this project over the last 18 months. With confirmation of our invitation for next year, the team training and selection starts soon! With the Commodore RYS - Sir James Holman Preparing the J70 at the RYS HavenLeaving the Haven Race day 1Race StartRace win for PSCPSC Team before Dinner day 1

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