The following is a statement by Gerwyn Owen CEO RYA Cymru Wales 

"Dear boater

Following the announcement by the First Minister in relation to the next phase of lockdown here in Wales, RYA Cymru Wales would like to highlight the changes coming into effect as of Monday 1st of June, 2020. The increased ability to enjoy outdoor activity will be welcomed by the boating community, and means that those with direct access to their boats may use them with members of their household, within five miles of their home.

Restrictions remain on some activities, and access to waters via outdoor sports facilities will not be reviewed until June 18th. All boaters are urged to check with their local facility and obtain appropriate permissions to launch from the relevant authority.

We will continue to follow Welsh Government guidance and take a considerate and responsible approach to the return of boating in Wales. It is essential that boaters follow guidance on social distancing and hygiene carefully, and comply with guidance on interaction with other households. Equally important is the imperative to boat safely, well within the levels of your ability, and avoid placing unnecessary strain on the RNLI and emergency services

We are seeking further clarification from Welsh Government and key stakeholders on certain areas of restrictions, specifically around outdoor venues, tourist spots and access to facilities. The position statement from RYA Cymru Wales will be updated and shared with members, clubs and centres in the coming days.

Keep safe, keep well, keep smiling

Gerwyn Owen       

Chief Executive Officer / Prif Weithredwr"

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