Reaching wider Fund

The college has won a  £12,000 grant from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales Reaching Wider fund which will allow CMD students to design and  build a state of the art Rigid Inflatable boat using modern CAD software and using modern composite technology.

The aim of the grant is to help young people develop themselves as individuals by enabling them to develop modern skills and to realise that as individuals and with the right training they can achieve their individual goals.

After successfully designing,building and commissioning the rib, full ownership of it will  be  handed  over to Communities First South Pwllheli (Cymunedau’n Gyntaf De Pwllheli yn Gymraeg) who will use the rib locally to train residents of De Pwllheli how to handle power boats and will help them gain employment in the marine sector.

CHP will also be an active partner  in  providing fully qualified trainers and to maintain the boat on a daily basis.

Eifion Owen , Head of engineering CMD " This is a great example of four agencies working in partnership to help many individuals gain skills and qualifications which will help them obtain employment or to encourage individuals to aspire to gain further training. I must thank Bangor University , Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Cymunedau Cyntaf and Coleg Meirion Dwyfor staff for embracing this project in such a positive way"

Stephen Tudor welcomed this news on behalf of Pwllheli Sailing Club and explained that this is yet another example of Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club working in partnership with others. The RIB will be a welcome addition to the rescue boat fleet and will assist in the running of the numerous World and National Sailing Championships hosted by the Club.
Ffion Williams South Pwllheli Communities First Co-ordinator said:  “The South Pwllheli Communities First Partnership are thrilled to be part of this fantastic scheme. The boat will help us in our mission to give local people the chance to make use of the fantastic natural resources we have on our doorstep either purely for enjoyment or potentially as a career opportunity. Since establishing Clwb Antur, six local people are currently volunteering and training as Climbing Instructors. Our next step is to recruit more local people and train them in other adventure sports such as sailing and kayaking. This boat will be a fantastic resource for us in Pwllheli and we look forwards to working closely with Coleg Meirion Dwyfor and Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli on this exciting project.”

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