Bob Lowe receives the Welsh Sports Association (WSA) Administrator of the year award

The WSA recognises the huge amount of effort put in by thousands of volunteers across Wales on a daily basis. Without the selfless efforts of so many volunteers, sport in Wales in its current form would be unsustainable. Behind every sport in Wales is a small army of volunteers who make things happen.

Our Administrator of the Year award seeks to officially recognise the efforts of one such outstanding individual; somebody, not necessarily in the public eye, whose unstinting efforts as an Administrator within their sport, makes such a telling contribution.


This year the award was presented to Robert Lowe of the Welsh Yachting Association, Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli and Plas Heli Cyf the opperating company for the Welash Sailing Academy and Event Centre. The presentation was made by WSA chair Anne Ellis OBE at the Association's AGM in Cardiff on Monday 2nd December 2013.

Bob Lowe has been a long standing volunteer within the sailing world for a number of years, and has held a number of posts within the Welsh Yachting Association including Vice Chair, Chair, and Treasurer. He has also represented the WYA at UK level and was a Director and a member of the Royal Yachting Association Council for 4 years.

Bob is also Vice Commodore at Pwllheli Sailing Club, and is a Vice Chairman of Plas Heli and is a driving force behind the development of the Sailing Academy in Pwllheli. This has resulted in a £8.3 million pound capital investment by the Welsh Government and the building work will commence in 2014.

Bob is also Chairman of the clubs events committee and is an unpaid full time member of staff, helping run the many events and training camps that the club host annually. Bob gets involved in all aspects of the clubs event work from preparing bids to host world and European championships to meeting with welsh Government Officials to discuss funding. At busy periods Bob is often the first in to open up and one of the last to leave.

In 2012 his services to sailing were recognized by the RYA, and he was awarded their prestigious Regional Award for over 20 years of service to sailing at a ceremony in London.

Bob's outstanding record of service to yachting has now also been recognised by the Welsh Sports 

The Welsh Sports Association (WSA) was established in 1972 and is the umbrella body for more than 70 National Governing Bodies (NGBs) of Sport in Wales and as an independent body supports and represent the National Governing Bodies (NGBs) of sport and physical recreation in Wales. Further information here

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