Flag Officers Friday Newsletter

Welcome to this week's edition of the Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club E-Newsletter.

The opening of outdoor hospitality has enabled many members to socialise on the  three deck's,  enjoying a meal and drink and we look forward to the opening of indoor hospitality next Monday, May 17th when groups of 6 people from multiple households  can meet indoors.

Iwan and his team have a regular consultation process with the flag officers so we can ensure members and visitors get the best service as possible at our facility, consistent with current restrictions. The new bench has proved popular and we are  pleased that a further five units are on order and will hopefully be with us shortly enabling those sat on the deck to easily enjoy the views.


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CHIPAC are having a keelboat experience evening next Friday which kick starts their 2021 activities, and we look forward to the training sessions starting shortly after and  hopefully weather allowing, parents will be able to watch from the deck.

Racing started at the beginning of the month, with a report in the racing section below, and continues tomorrow with racing planned around the cans and an ISORA coastal race.

News of the cancellation of the Volvo Dun Laoghaire Regatta, and restrictions around the D2D race that many local boats had planned to enter this summer, has left a gap in many people's schedule -  the Flag Officers and Racing Captain Vicky Cox have moved to provide some alternative racing - including the "Tremadog Bay Pop Up Regatta" - see the racing section below. There will be fun racing for cruisers and racers, both NHC and IRC  over four days with the emphasis on fun racing with a competitive edge - July 8th-11th

Our web site and newsletters have moved to a new hosting site, we had outgrown the capabilities of our previous host. Your use and enjoyment of the web site should be improved with better speeds! If you spot an error or missing/broken link please send an email to Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

We would like to thank everyone who responded to our request last month to put their names forward for inclusion on our new volunteer database - we received a great response, and the list is growing. If you feel you would like to volunteer and have not already responded please send an e-mail at Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

Hwyl - Good Sailing -  Flag Officers  CHPSC.

Panorama Restaurant and Lounge @ Plas heli   

Mae Iwan a'i dîm yn Panorama yn gyffrous iawn i gyhoeddi eu bod yn agor dan do o ddydd Llun yr 17eg o Fai 2021. Mae Panorama wedi bod yn brysur iawn yn paratoi'r bar a'r lolfa i fodloni canllawiau llywodraeth Cymru mewn pryd ar gyfer eich cyrraedd. Bu newidiadau hefyd i edrychiad y bar a'r lolfa, ac ni all y tîm aros i chi ei weld! 

Mae Panorama hefyd wedi creu bwydlen newydd a chyffrous, sydd â chynnyrch lleol ffres. Mae hyn i gyd yn cael ei baratoi ar y safle ganburger gogyddion talentog ac aelodau tîm cegin.

Mae panorama hefyd wedi gweithio'n galed ar greu amgylchedd hamddenol ar bob ardal ddecio, i westeion eistedd ac ymlacio i wylio'r haul yn machlud gyda golygfa banoramig o farina Pwllheli. 

Byddwch yn derbyn gofal ar un o aelodau profiadol y tîm, sydd wedi'u hyfforddi mewn rhagofalon Covid. Mae panorama wedi cymryd pob rhagofal mewn perthynas â systemau unffordd, seddi pell a glanhau pwyntiau cyffwrdd. Cadwch hefyd at reolau pellhau cymdeithasol a gorchuddion wyneb tra yn yr adeilad, (ar wahân i'r ffurflen wrth eistedd). 

Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn cymryd archebion yn Panorama, naill ai ar gyfer bwyd neu ddiodydd neu'r ddau. 

Cysylltwch trwy e-bost, ffôn neu Facebook. 

Ffôn: 07793 258 827 neu 01758 614442 

E-bost: Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

Facebook: panoramarestaurantandloungepwllheli

Iwan and his team at Panorama are very excited to announce that they are opening indoors from Monday the 17th of May 2021.  Panorama have been very busy preparing the bar and lounge to meet the Welsh government guidelines in time for your arrival.  There have also been changes to the look of the bar and lounge, and the team can’t wait for you to see it

Panorama have also created a new and exciting menu, which has local freshly sourced produce.  This is all prepared on-site by talented chefs  and kitchen team members. 

Panorama have also worked hard on creating a relaxing environment on the man deck areas, for guests to sit and relax to watch the sun setting with a panoramic view of Tremadog Bay and Snowdonia.

You will be looked after one of the experienced members of the team, which have been trained in Covid precautions.  Panorama have taken all precautions in relation to one-way systems, distanced seating and touch point cleaning.  Please also adhere to social distancing rules and face coverings whilst in the premises (apart from whilst seated). 

We are currently taking bookings at Panorama, either for food or drinks or both. Please contact via email, phone or Facebook. 

Phone: 0779258827 or 01758 61442

Email: Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

Facebook: panoramarestaurantandloungepwllheli

Panorama menuPanorama Restaurant and Lounge Opening hours:

Monday           11.00 - 21.00 

Tuesday           11.00 - 18.00 

Wednesday   11.00 - 21.00 

Thursday         11.00 - 21.00 

Friday                11.00 - 23.00

Saturday          11.00 - 23.00 

Sunday             12.00 - 20.00 


The club has a webcam mounted on the Plas Heli Bridge, with views of the harbour approaches -  the live images can be viewed here, or at the bottom of the website home page. 

An additional webcam will be installed later this year looking over the Plas Heli event pontoons and northern end of the marina and will be streamed in the member's area of the club website.

Welsh Government  Alert Level 3   (Level 2 from Monday 17th)

WALES RETURN TO BOATING 2> Organised outdoor  activity allowed for  up to 30 participants of any age ( 50  from May 17th)

> Elite training can take place

> Casual sailing can take place as part of exercise, with max six people.

> The Plas Heli compound, event pontoons, indoor classrooms  and outside hospitality spaces are now open. (indoor from May 17th)

> Indoor Organised Activity for  15 Adults (30 from May 17th)

> Latest RYA Cymru Wales  Q & A clarifying the  announcement of April 9th is here    

 RYA News

Trading Boats between UK and the EU - news article here

BREXIT - RYA  Guidance

Border force (customs)  requirements for recreational boats leaving UK waters (for example visiting Ireland) are listed here with links to the forms etc


2021 plans - update from Rob Smith and Stephen Williams

Any other suggestions gratefully received - please email  Rob and  Stephen at: Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

A "WhatsApp" group to enable cruisers to discuss plans etc has been set up - Join your fellow cruisers and chat all things boating by emailing Rob or Stephen with your mobile phone number to join, or use the QR code below.  (please introduce yourself to the group)

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Cruising  - Diesel engine troubleshooting - Five minute briefing

Top tips to help keep you going.

Modern marine diesel engines are pretty reliable things - most of the time. Feed them with diesel and air, cool them with seawater/coolant and add sufficient lubricant to keep the cogs turning and they will often give hundreds or thousands of trouble free hours.

However we all have our off-days and diesel engines are no exception. Knowing a few troubleshooting tips will go a long way to keeping youDiesel engine going.


When checking the engine, isolate the engine battery and remove the engine keys, so that others cannot start the engine whilst you have hands in the way. Consider using plastic/latex gloves.


Be fastidious about keeping the engine compartment clean. It makes spotting a potential leak or problem so much easier.


The crankshaft, usually the pulley wheel at the bottom of the engine, usually drives the belts. Belts transfer power to other pulley wheels on the engine and drive the alternator, to provide power to the batteries, and the water pump to circulate cooling water around the engine.

If the belt is too loose:

  • The alternator may be inefficient resulting in uncharged batteries.
  • The water-circulating pump may be inefficient resulting in the engine running hotter.
  • Regularly checking gauges such as the voltmeter and engine temperature will highlight both of these problems.


A slipping or loose belt is often visually indicated by black belt dust around the engine near the pulleys. There are two common types of belt; flat belts or ‘V’ shaped. Consult your owner’s manual about their accurate testing and adjustment, but a common rule of thumb to check adjustment is:

  • V Belts can be deflected by about 12mm and no more.
  • Flat belts should be able to twist through 90 degrees and no more.

A belt adjusted too tight can put excess pressure on the pulley wheel shaft and increase wear on the shaft bearings of the pulley wheels.


A properly functioning engine does not really consume much lubricating oil; it just uses the oil to lubricate and cool its moving internal parts. So if the correct level is checked it should stay roughly the same and only change over longer periods, unless there is a problem. Oil is kept inside the engine and separate from the water and fuel system by internal seals and gaskets.


The ways that oil escapes from the engine is by leaking through an engine seal or gasket. There are three visual ways to check for oil leaks:

1) Externally looking for leaks around the engine and engine tray
2) Oil leaking through a seal and mixing with the water cooling system.
3) Oil leaking into the combustion chamber, through the piston rings and coming.

The oil will burn in the combustion chamber and change to blue smoke coming out of the exhaust.

Oil levels need monitoring and too much or too little oil is bad for the engine. Looking at the condition of the oil is a little like reading tealeaves.

  • Green/brown oil is often clean oil in good condition.
  • Black oil is oil that has picked up carbons or soot, is starting to age and could possible need a change.
  • Grey or emulsified oil possibly has water mixing and may signify an internal leak. Contact an engineer.
  • Burnt smelling oil could be due to overheating.
  • Particles in the oil could be pieces of worn engine. Contact an engineer.


Many modern marine diesel engines have both seawater cooling and fresh water cooling. The seawater cools the fresh water/coolant that circulates around the engine.


Checking the seawater intake strainer is the main check on the seawater system apart from running the engine and ensuring that seawater is exiting through the exhaust (if you can see it). The exiting seawater water also quietens and cools the exhaust so if water is not passing through the exhaust, the exhaust note sounds hollow.

Times when seawater circulation can be a problem are:

  • On a sailing yacht at heel – if the water intake seacock is out of the water.
  • Outdrives and sail drives pick up their cooling water through the drive unit and these easily get blocked by polythene bags or lumps of seaweed in the water wrapping themselves around the drive. Often slowing the boat or reversing gently will clear the obstruction.
  • If the seawater strainer is blocked or the water circulating pump or impellor malfunctions.
  • If the overheat alarm sounds

A way of establishing whether the seawater or freshwater system is the problem when the overheat alarm sounds, is to:

  • Reduce the revs but keep the engine running
  • If water is normally visible exiting through the exhausts, check if it still is exiting. If it is, then the seawater system is probably working ok and the problem will probably be with the fresh water system.
  • Check the temperature gauges, a reduction in revs may reduce the temperature.
  • If not stop the engine and deal with the problem.

Written by Simon Jinks on behalf of the RYA, with images from the RYA Diesel Engine Handbook, written and illustrated by Andrew Simpson.

2021 Membership Rates


Membership of CHPSC for 2021 

The membership year is from 1st January to 31st December.

2021 Fee Structure 

Primary Member - £65

Joint Membership - £115

Racing Skipper - £125

Joint Racing Skipper  - £180

Associate Member - £75

Student/Apprentice Member - £30

Youth Member - £20

Dinghy Storage

Small (Optimist/Topper) £55 

Medium (Laser) £65

Large (Merlin Rocket) £85 

Multi Hulls (Dart etc) £95 

Road Trailer £50 or £75 for 2 stacked

Box storage trailers under 10 feet £60 (£75 for larger box trailers)

You can purchase a club burgee or pay for your club calendar postage as part of your membership process!

The   centre is now partly re-opened in line with Welsh Government Alert Level 3 restrictions, with authorised access now permitted to the pontoons, compound and the "Panorama Restaurant and Lounge" is now open for outside  service.  In line with Welsh government Covid regulations, we advise the use of the "NHS Covid App"  when visiting any of the Plas Heli facilities. The QR codes are on the doors and relevant gates. There is an additional Track, Trace and Protect requirement in the hospitality area, which the panorama staff will manage

Note: elite RYA squad training is permitted indoors, as is indoors organised activity for up to 15 from May 3rd

Restaurant and Lounge Bar - outdoor service has resumed - see details above, with indoor hospitality from May 17th

Plas Heli - Event Pontoons

The pontoons are very busy this year with demand potentially exceeding capacity. A berthing plan has been drawn up and will be emailed to all Plas Heli berthing customers, with the planned location of their berth.

To apply for a berth (seasonal or short term) fill in the berthing application form on the Plas Heli Website here and also  email Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

Once allocated a berth please make all efforts to stay  in your  allocated space, remembering boats out racing may be short crewed when returning to their  berth.  Any issues with berths, shore power or water please email Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

New codes on all gates - please don’t pass on these numbers. Anyone with a genuine need to access the pontoons, compounds or other gated areas will be provided with the code, combination or key. Email Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld. for details, or talk to one of your Flag Officers. The Plas Heli event car park on the quay is also available for members parking, should the main Plas Heli car park fill up - for a parking permit see instructions below.

Track and Trace is a Government requirement, please record your details on the sheet provided at the entrance to the  bar. It is a Welsh Government recommendation that you also use the NHS app, via the QR codes below.  (please check in by using the most relevant one for the part of the centre you are accessing)

QRPH QR code pontoons

PH QR code compound


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Plas Heli, the Welsh National Sailing Academy and Event Centre, has been awarded the venue rights for the 'IRC Welsh National Championships' for 2021 and 2022.  The Championship is hosted by Plas Heli, and organised/managed by CHPSC and the RDYC.

We now are recruiting volunteers for event planning purposes and if you would like to contribute, or have any suggestions to enhance the event, please reply to this newsletter. The first planning meeting was held last month via "zoom" to agree the format of racing and framework to publish the Notice of Race. This is now complete and published with the online  entry open at the event website here

Thought for  the Day:

"the trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit"


 For more information, membership links and the latest weather and webcam

go to:


Plas Heli Quayside Parking

The parking area on the Plas Heli Quayside is available for paid up CHPSC members and to authorised pontoon users.

The parking area is accessed through the gate adjacent to the old club building

The code to the gate is changed regularly and can be obtained through the plasheli.org website  > Facilities> Parking.  For convenience follow this shortcut link here

Fill in the details – put a tick in the box to confirm that you are a CHPSC member (have your 2021 membership number ready)

Then in the payment bit – use ‘I am a paid up CHPSC member and request permit for parking’ - Then Submit

You will then receive an automated return e-mail with instructions

Please make sure the gate is closed and locked at all times and that the padlock is never left open or with the code left on the dial



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