Flag Officers Friday Newsletter

Welcome to the Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club Bank Holiday Newsletter.

May saw the continued easing of The Welsh Government Covid Restrictions allowing us to meet initially outdoors and then indoors in groups of 6. Recreational boating and racing resumed with restrictions which meant we could all carefully return to enjoy our boating and socialising activities. Unfortunately, we also witnessed what was, now officially, the wettest May in Wales for 160 years.

There is good news for the forthcoming weekend however with high pressure dominating and the Met Office predicting the return of more seasonal weather and warmer temperatures. There is a full programme of racing scheduled with three days of club racing to decide the winner of the PSC spring series. There is also an ISORA offshore race from Pwllheli to Holyhead on Saturday.  CHPSC members will also be in action on Saturday competing in the RORC "Myth of Malham" Yacht Race around the Eddystone Lighthouse on "Pata Negra" skippered by Andrew Hall in preparation for the Fastnet Race in June. Our hopes and best wishes will be with all our racing crews this weekend.

If any of you are setting off on a cruise this weekend or in the near future, don’t forget that we are always on the lookout for interesting articles for inclusion in our newsletters. All contributions and photographs will be welcome and can be sent to Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

On Monday we took delivery of the long-awaited new benches for the balcony at Plas Heli. We hope that the new additions will improve your enjoyment of the great outdoor spaces at the facility.

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Plas Heli also took delivery of a number of additional finger berths which will not only increase capacity but enhance the pontoon area. Many thanks to our CHPSC volunteers for all the hard work involved in their installation.

I have received many enquiries regarding Peter Sykes who many of you know. Peter has been a regular fixture in the harbour for many years living on board his boat “My Helen” on the moorings and more lately in the Hafan Marina. Peter was taken ill some weeks ago and was admitted to Ysbyty Gwynedd in Bangor. He is currently a patient on Glaslyn Ward and is reportedly improving and getting stronger. He will however not be returning to the marina and will require somewhere that provides assisted living in the Pwllheli area. We wish him all the best.

Finally, I hope the predicted fine weather materialises and you all enjoy a great Spring Bank Holiday weekend wherever you may be.

Gerallt Williams – Commodore CHPSC


 Panorama Restaurant and Lounge @ Plas heli   

Panorama manager, Iwan Parry welcomes you all for the forthcoming bank holiday. Iwan has designed a tasty new evening menu for the discerning guest, which will be available for the bank holiday. 

We would like to remind members that masks must be worn indoors for the safety of staff and others, unless medically exempt. 

The weather forecast is very promising, and we are anticipating it to be very busy, therefore we encourage you to book tables in advance to avoid disappointment. Please look at the Facebook Page for the latest day and evening menus, which aim to cater for all tastes and dietary requirements: @panoramarestaurantlounge

Panorama opening hours for the half term holidays are: 

Monday 12am-9pm

Tuesday 12am-6pm

Wednesday 12am-8pm

Thursday 12am-9pm

Friday 12am-10pm

Saturday 12am-10pm

Sunday 12pm-9pm

Booking lines: 01758 614 442/ 07793 258 827

Email: Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

Panorama is currently recruiting well-mannered, reliable and capable seasonal staff. Please feel free to circulate amongst your networks and contact the restaurant using the contact details above for more information. Many thanks in advance for all your support.

WIFI Plas Heli

‍We are pleased to inform you that Plas Heli, the operating company of The Welsh National Sailing Academy and Events Centre has provided CHPSC members  with a new dedicated and separate WiFi system

This is part of the reconfiguration of the WiFi distribution at the Centre and will be a great benefit for 2021 paid-up CHPSC members. The service will be fast safe and reliable, even when under the strain of large events. 2021 Members have been sent the password for this network by newsletter earlier in the week

For non members there is a guest network "Plas Heli Guest" and the password is:  Plas.H3L1

This WiFi connection has been configured to be safe for children. 

Welsh Government  Alert Level 2

WALES RETURN TO BOATING 2> Organised outdoor  activity allowed for  up to 50 participants of any age 

> Elite training can take place

> Casual sailing can take place as part of exercise, with max six people.

> The Plas Heli compound, event pontoons, indoor classrooms  and hospitality spaces are now open. 

> Indoor Organised Activity for  30 Adults

> Latest RYA Cymru Wales  Q & A clarifying the  announcement of May 3rd  is here    


Boat share - we have had an enquiry from two members looking to purchase a share in a cruising boat - if anyone else has similar aspirations please contact us using the details below and we can match all interested parties!

Any cruisers wishing to take part in the club racing this weekend, contact Stephen or Rob via the WhatsApp group  or via email: Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.   and we can liaise with the race officer to put a cruiser race on.

A "WhatsApp" group to enable cruisers to discuss plans etc has been set up - Join your fellow cruisers and chat all things boating by emailing Rob or Stephen with your mobile phone number to join or use the QR code below. (Please introduce yourself to the group)

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EMF Compliance and Enforcement

 The RYA has published guidance on new radio licence requirements for limiting exposure to electromagnetic fields EMF.
One of the ways to ensure compliance is to use the OFCOM EMF Calculator.
emf compliance flowchartHere are some top tips to make effective use the OFCOM EMF calculator and to interpret the technical terms associated with its use. Firstly, we need to understand what it is trying to achieve. All marine equipment that transmits a signal also emits Electromagnetic Field (EMF) emissions. Any equipment that transmits above a power of 6.1 watts ERP (see definition below) must comply.
The purpose of these new requirements is to ensure that members of the public, are not exposed to EMF emissions above the specified general public limits. This is achieved by calculating the safe separation distance between the equipment emitting the EMF and members of the public. For the purposes of these regulations, OFCOM includes family and friends in their definition of general public.

Using the EMF calculator
The calculator is very basic and only requires two pieces of information; your transmitter power and transmitting frequency (the input parameters). However, whilst it is simple to use, it does use some technical jargon that goes way beyond the knowledge of the average marine radio operator.

The calculator refers to ERP and EIRP.

ERP: Effective Radiated Power is the total power radiated by an actual antenna. ERP, for our purposes, is the transmitting power of your equipment at the antenna. 

EIRP: Effective Isotropic Radiated Power is the total power radiated by an isotropic antenna in a single direction. (An isotropic antenna is a theoretical antenna that radiates equally in all directions with the same power, but you do not need to worry about that). EIRP, for our purposes, is calculated by multiplying the equipment’s ERP by a factor of 1.64. EIRP is the input parameter used to calculate your safe separation distance.

Operating frequency: 
This is the frequency that the equipment is transmitting, for example a VHF marine band radio transmits on 156MHz, X band radar operates between 8000MHz 12000MHz.
By inputting the transmitter power and the transmitting frequency the calculator will determine the safe separation distance to be maintained between the antenna and members of the public. However, it should be noted that this does not take account of other mitigating factors, including the duty cycle (period of time actually transmitting in a set period) and any loss of power due to the length of coaxial cable. Both of these factors will further reduce the safe separation distance.
Here are some examples:

A VHF radio transmitting on 156MHz at 25watts ERP (25W x 1.64 = 41watts EIRP) would require a separation distance of 2.04m (generated by the OFCOM EMF calculator).
This is the compliance distance that should be maintained if the radio is being used 100% of the time. However, if you know that the radio will not transmit continuously, you can take this into account in the calculator. However, if you know that the radio will not be used for more than 10% of the time, you can calculate the average power and enter this into the calculator instead: 
10% of 41 Watts = 0.1 x 41 = 4.1 Watts EIRP Using input parameters of 4.1 Watts EIRP and a transmit frequency of 156 MHz, the Ofcom calculator produces a compliance distance of 0.65 metres.

As most VHF transmissions are transmitted at 1 Watt, the safe separation distance from the antenna is easily achieved. Calculations are only required for transmitting at 6.1watts ERP and above.  
The separation distance could be further reduced by factoring signal loss due to the length of coaxial cable and connectors. However, it should be noted that this calculation is dependent upon many factors, including length of cable, type of cable and quality of cable. In the case of most ‘common’ installations, it is unlikely that factoring in line loss will result in any significant reduction in safe separation distance.
Part of the regulations requires you to keep a record of how you have achieved compliance. If you have used the OFCOM EMF calculator, it is recommended that you keep a note of the safe separation distance for transmissions both at 1 watt and 25 watts.

Similar calculations should be conducted for radar. Most marine installations will be operating on X band or 12GHz frequency.
To use the OFCOM EMF calculator for radar, you need to convert GHz into MHz (1GHz = 1000MHz)12GHz = 12000MHz
A marine radar transmitting on 12000MHz at 17 watts ERP (27.88 EIRP) would require a separation distance of 0.75m (generated by the OFCOM EMF calculator).
As can be seen from the examples above, compliance is easily achievable.

Other transmitting equipment, used in an emergency, such as EPIRBs do not have to comply.


2021 Membership Rates


Membership of CHPSC for 2021 

The membership year is from 1st January to 31st December.

2021 Fee Structure 

Primary Member - £65

Joint Membership - £115

Racing Skipper - £125

Joint Racing Skipper  - £180

Associate Member - £75

Student/Apprentice Member - £30

Youth Member - £20

Dinghy Storage

Small (Optimist/Topper) £55 

Medium (Laser) £65

Large (Merlin Rocket) £85 

Multi Hulls (Dart etc) £95 

Road Trailer £50 or £75 for 2 stacked

Box storage trailers under 10 feet £60 (£75 for larger box trailers)

You can purchase a club burgee or pay for your club calendar postage as part of your membership process!

The   centre is now  open in line with Welsh Government Alert Level 2 restrictions, with authorised access now permitted to the pontoons, classrooms, compound and the "Panorama Restaurant and Lounge" .  In line with Welsh government Covid regulations, we advise the use of the "NHS Covid App"  when visiting any of the Plas Heli facilities.

The QR codes are on the doors and relevant gates. There is an additional Track, Trace and Protect requirement in the hospitality area, which the panorama staff will manage

Note: elite RYA squad training is permitted indoors, as is indoors organised activity for up to 30 

Plas Heli - Pontoons

The pontoons are very busy this year with demand potentially exceeding capacity. A berthing plan has been drawn up and will be emailed to all Plas Heli berthing customers, with the planned location of their berth.

Plas Heli has extended the berthing capacity with additional finger berths, which were successfully installed this week. This will hopefully enable us to satisfy the increased demand. 

To apply for a berth (seasonal or short term) fill in the berthing application form on the Plas Heli Website here and also  email Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

Once allocated a berth please make all efforts to stay  in your  allocated space, remembering boats out racing may be short crewed when returning to their  berth.  Any issues with berths, shore power or water please email Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld.

New codes on all gates - please don’t pass on these numbers. Anyone with a genuine need to access the pontoons, compounds or other gated areas will be provided with the code, combination or key. Email Mae'r cyfeiriad e-bost hwn wedi'i warchod rhag robotiaid sbam. Rhaid i chi alluogi JavaScript i'w weld. for details, or talk to one of your Flag Officers. The Plas Heli event car park on the quay is also available for members parking, should the main Plas Heli car park fill up - for a parking permit see instructions below.

Track and Trace is a Government requirement, please record your details on the sheet provided at the entrance to the  bar. It is a Welsh Government recommendation that you also use the NHS app, via the QR codes below.  (please check in by using the most relevant one for the part of the centre you are accessing)

QRPH QR code pontoons

PH QR code compound


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Plas Heli, the Welsh National Sailing Academy and Event Centre, has been awarded the venue rights for the 'IRC Welsh National Championships' for 2021 and 2022.  The Championship is hosted by Plas Heli, and organised/managed by CHPSC and the RDYC.

We now are recruiting volunteers for event planning purposes and if you would like to contribute, or have any suggestions to enhance the event, please reply to this newsletter. The first planning meeting was held last month via "zoom" to agree the format of racing and framework to publish the Notice of Race. This is now complete and published with the online  entry open at the event website here

Thought for  the Day:

"Thoughts are overrated. Intuition is underrated"


 For more information, membership links and the latest weather and webcam

go to:


Plas Heli Quayside Parking

The parking area on the Plas Heli Quayside is available for paid up CHPSC members and to authorised pontoon users.

The parking area is accessed through the gate adjacent to the old club building

The code to the gate is changed regularly and can be obtained through the plasheli.org website  > Facilities> Parking.  For convenience follow this shortcut link here

Fill in the details – put a tick in the box to confirm that you are a CHPSC member (have your 2021 membership number ready)

Then in the payment bit – use ‘I am a paid up CHPSC member and request permit for parking’ - Then Submit

You will then receive an automated return e-mail with instructions

Please make sure the gate is closed and locked at all times and that the padlock is never left open or with the code left on the dial



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