It's been great seeing more members back in  Pwllheli since  the relaxation of travel restrictions , and we look forward to welcoming more members this weekend,  as  self contained accommodation is opened up. See below for the latest information regarding our home -  Plas Heli


With further easing of restrictions expected to be announced today, we will provide an update  on the club website on Monday, 13th July should there be any significant changes, and  after the RYA has had an opportunity to update their guidance.


A new Notice to Mariners was published this week, and can viewed here


We continue to consult with our partners, with a view to update the plan for the IRC Welsh Nationals, for a "stripped down" championship offering a variety of racing, anticipating a relaxation on organised activity later in the month. Whatever happens,  we hope to facilitate some great sailing opportunities.


We wish Paul Roberts (Hafan Pwllheli staff)  a speedy recovery following  his recent hospital admission . 


Congratulations to Team Mojito for a class win and 2nd overall in a highly competitive ISORA coastal race in Dublin last weekend, and good luck for Race 2 of the Irish Coastal series tomorrow.

"Back to Boating" - Task Force Update 


Vice Commodore Gerallt Williams, our Task Force leader reported as follows:


If you are, or intend being a user of the Plas Heli pontoons, please read and adhere to the pontoon protocols which are available here


 If you are, or intend being a user of the Plas Heli compound for dinghy sailing, please read and adhere to the Plas Heli compound protocol - available here.


Thank you to the team (Richard Tudor, Phil "Flatly"Jackson, Anthony Adams Andrew Brookes, Eleri Griffiths, Glen Pritchard, Rob Smith, Thomas Tudor, Tom Tebay  and Jonathan "JKA" Abraham,  lead by Task Force leader Gerallt Williams for their outstanding work bringing  Plas Heli out of hibernation with landscaping works and a general  tidy up - its looking great.


 Read more about the work of the 'Back to Boating Task Force' here

Club What’s On:


Regatta - It is hoped we may be able to hold the Regatta this year, but is largely dependent on Government advice around "organised activity"  - hopefully an update on July 10th from Welsh Government will allow us to go ahead with the Regatta, in some form on Saturday July 25th - we hope to provide an update on Monday 13th July.


Summer issue of “Codi Hwyl” is now being planned, anyone wishing to submit an article, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The last issue is here


The "Tremadog Triangle" and "Commodore’s Challenge" are available for members to attempt  – see the website for details of both racetracks here 


Adhoc racing tomorrow  - Saturday  11th July - details on the racing "WhatsApp" group. Reply to this email to be added to the group.

Plas Heli:


Work is ongoing for a "soft" opening of Plas Heli next Tuesday, offering drinks and snacks on the terraces. In our update next  Friday, we hope to provide more detail regarding the bar and catering facilities on offer, after next weeks initial opening. It will be necessary to email Plas Heli before purchasing drinks, or using the facilities, for track and trace purposes. 

Under the current Welsh Government regulations, only our deck space will be open, though the intention is to allow access through the building  and to the restrooms.

The email address for track and trace is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


New codes on all gates, please don’t pass on these numbers. Anyone with a genuine need to access the pontoons or compound will be provided with the code. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.

Thought for  the Day:


"Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want"



For more information, membership links and the latest weather and webcam

go to:

pwllheli logo low res
